Rainbow Bridge

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We had to say good-bye to Pearl.  She was the “runt” of the litter of nine puppies we rescued in October 2017.  Pearl had been in and out of the vet’s office for nearly a week and a half, and started having seizures.  After many tests, we learned that this poor sweet little puppy just had too many things wrong, and her immune system just could not fight them all off.  Her foster family sat up with her while she slept in their arms last night, and today we knew that she needed to be set free from her pain. Run free sweet Pearl, you mattered and you were loved! Forever in our hearts!

Rachel was such a sweet and special dog; she absolutely stole my heart from the moment I met her. She brought so much joy with her funny antics. The house seems so empty without Rachel there too. I’ve had dogs as part of my life from the time I was a young girl. Each one was special in their own way, but there are a very small handful that stand out as being that very “extra special” and Rachel was one of them. She so deserved a long and happy life, but I know life throws curveballs and everything that happens just doesn’t always seem fair. My sweet Westie dog, Suzie, has definitely been missing Rachel too. For the last couple of days she periodically lays down at the top of the stairs just looking at the front door waiting for her to come home; they were such great friends.


We are deeply saddened by the loss of Blaze.  Blaze was a runner; his prior life was hard, and that was all he knew.  He had to be live-trapped by animal control to be brought into rescue, and after escaping from his foster in early 2018, had to be live-trapped by The Retrievers, a group of wonderful volunteers dedicated to finding and returning lost dogs.  In March 2018, Blaze ran again, escaping from his foster's vehicle when she opened the car door.  Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of The Retrievers, Blaze's story did not have a happy ending.  He wandered onto a farmer's property, and even though he was dragging his leash and clearly had an owner somewhere, was shot and killed and dumped behind a barn.  Our heart aches that Blaze died alone and scared, and rages at the cruelty of humans.  Be at peace, sweet boy, and run free.

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