Rainbow Bridge

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We adopted Jack in September of 2019 and instantly fell in love with him. He had such a hard life as a stray in Texas; being shot in a front leg and a hind leg, one of his ears was chewed almost off and the other torn and split, multiple medical issues and severely under weight. Yet, he was the sweetest, most loving and well behaved shepherd we've ever been lucky enough to love. Last week, Jack stopped eating, started vomiting and having labored breathing. An ultrasound showed fluid compressing his heart and lungs. He had a tumor that burst in his chest. After draining the fluid it only filled again the next day. There was no solution. So, not wanting him to suffer, our family made the hardest decision to say goodbye. We have never fallen so much in love so fast. I wish we would have had more time with him. He gave us nothing but love and we vowed to make his remaining life the best we could. Rest in peace Jack

Sadie died peacefully and with dignity, in her moms arms, on the early morning of May 24th after a year of retirement enjoying the lake and a weekend of all the hambuger she wanted in the world. Sadie was adopted by her mother from Saving Shepherds of MN in February of 2020, after her owner passed away unexpectedly and her story captured her heart. Sadie was a purebred GSD and was 11 years young at the time of adoption. Sadie and her mother quickly became best friends and had a bond beyond any other. Sadies whole world was her mom and the ability to ensure she knew that nothing else mattered to her. In return, her mom made sure Sadie knew she felt the same by filling the house with a paths of carpet keep her grip on the floors, venison everyday, greenies anytime she wanted and always being told how perfect she was. Sadie arrived in our home with the ability to not only smile contantly but also keep her little “shithead” sister in order and to always share her big bed with her little brother. She never needed to be leashed, kenneled or had to be told to be gentle, this was natural for her. She had a love for her monkey, yak bones, yard work with her mom and going on walks while he body was able. Sadie built relationships with any animal big or small, new neighbors, her family, and all that stopped over. Anyone who met Sadie had to have their hands inspected for rings. If you had a ring on, she made sure to let you know if it was up to par by trying to nibble on the diamonds. Sadie made sure to always protect her mom by following her everywhere and barking to alert her if someone was coming. She loved gardening and plopping all 75 lbs of her on plants mom planted and trying to catch the sprinkler water. She would go to the lake everyday in summer to find new treasures- one of which was a washed up croc that she carried everywhere. In Sadies spare time, she enjoyed sitting on the front porch, watching people walk by without a peep and watching all critters run all over without feeling the need to chase them. She was a favorite to the UPS, FedEx and maillady, always greeting them with a wagging tail and big smile knowing she would get a treat, that she always took ever so gently. They would always say what an amazing dog she was! Sadie will be greatly missed by many, but none more so than her mom. Through thick and thin, she loved her with all her heart. The pain she feels without her already is great, but it can’t compare to never having her in her life for the last 1.5 years. Sadies mom encourages everyone to adopt and to consider giving a senior dog a chance like she was given. Please remember purebreds can also be found in rescue.


It is with heavy hearts we let you know that our boy Kade passed away in the arms of his fosters. Kade came to us in February as an owner surrender, he had lived his first 5 1/2 years outside and the scars on his ears and his hesitation to trust were evidence of the life he had lived. But we brought him into rescue and loved him, because he deserved a chance. Kade was a tough dog, his hesitation to trust tho, allowed him to be fostered by one of our founders where he was exposed to so many new experiences. He was allowed to have the space and time he needed to learn what it was like to live in a home and be a part of a family. Kade had come a long way and was allowing others to pet him and even gave kisses to some strangers!

One evening, Kade began acting differently, panting and pacing, unable to get comfortable. He was taken outside and began retching uncontrollably. He was rushed to the University of Minnesota Vet Hospital, were X-rays were taken and confirmed the worst: Kade had bloat. It progressed very quickly and the heartbreaking decision was made to end his pain. He was held in the loving arms of his fosters and was told how very much he was loved as he made his way to the Rainbow Bridge. 

Kade, we loved you so much in the short time you were with us, but are so happy you got to spend your last few months in a home, knowing that you were loved. RIP baby boy.

Smoke (formerly Ranger) had a great story. He was in a shelter in Texas and on his transport to meet us, the driver was pulled over by a State Patrol Officer. The officer called to confirm the story and to ask if Smoke was available for adoption! At that time, Smoke had a home waiting for him in Minnesota. Fast forward a few years, the Officer adopted a dog from us and Smokes original adopter became ill and returned him to us. Smoke was extremely overweight upon his return and our dedicated fosters here got his weight down to a more healthy place! THEN, Smoke is adopted by an absolutely AMAZING lady who lives only a few blocks away from the Officer who met Smoke on his first day in rescue! Smoke, you will be missed dearly by so many of us who had a part of your rescue. To your mom, our hearts go out to you as you grieve the passing of such an special boy. Run Free Smoke.


Our sweet Mischa has crossed the rainbow bridge. After receiving 2 blood transfusions, she became septic and her condition continued to decline rapidly. We made the heartbreaking decision to let her go and be at peace. Mischa, we tried baby, unfortunately we didn't get to you in time, but we loved you nonetheless as if we had known you forever. Run free and wait for us, we will see you again. A special thank you to her foster Judy with All Paws K9 Rescue in California for loving her and trusting us. She never left her side and was with Mischa giving her kind words and kisses as she crossed.

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